If we look at the sky of the solar system drawing in a dark and clear night, we will notice that the entire sky dotted with countless stars, some bright and some not so bright . We must notice that the moon is the brightest objects in the night sky. The objects which twinkle are stars and the objects which twinkle are stars and the objects which do not twinkle are planets .
Here some characteristics of the solar system will be discussed:
- The sun and its family of objects which revolve around it is called the solar system .
- The solar system consists of the sun at its center and all other objects which revolve around it in a fixed elliptical orbit.
- There are eight planets of the solar system in order of their increasing distance from the sun which are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in the solar system drawing.
- All the planets (except Mercury and Venus) have their natural satellite (or known as moons)around them.
- As planets revolve around the sun in the solar system in the same manner, the natural satellite move around the planets.
- The gravitational pull of the Sun keeps all the planets and other objects revolving around it.
The nearest star from ( nearest star to earth) us is the Sun which is the source of almost all energy on the earth (nearest star to earth). Because it continuously emitting huge amount of heat and light . the Sun is also the main source of heat and light for all the Planets. .
Here are some information about Planets:
- Planets revolve around the Sun in closed elliptical orbits
- The Planets do not have light of their own.
- The Planets shine and look like stars in the night sky because they reflect the light of the sun which falls on them in solar system .
- Planets which are much nearer to us than the stars, they appear to be big and do not twinkle at night.
- Every Planet revolves in their separate, fixed path or orbits They do not collide with one another while revolving around the Sun.
The first four Planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars are called inner planets which contain rocks and have metallic cores.
These planets have comparatively small and dense bodies consisting of solid surfaces.
- Earth is the biggest of the four inner Planets.
- The inner Planets have very few natural satellite.
- The Planets outside the orbit of mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are called outer Planets .
- The outer Planets have a large number of satellites or moons around them.
- So, all the Planets revolve around the Sun and also rotate on their axis.
- The time taken by a Planet to complete one revolution around the Sun is called its period of revolution.
- As the distance of a planet from the Sun increases , its period of revolution also increases.
- So, the time taken by a planet to complete one rotation on its axis is called its period of rotation.
Here are some information about artificial satellite.
- Artificial satellite is a man-made spacecraft placed in orbit around the Earth with the help of a launch vehicle called
- Artificial satellites move in an orbit around the Earth at the height of few hundred kilometers.
- The motion of artificial satellite into its orbit around the Earth is due to gravitational pull of the Earth.
- These satellites carry a large variety of equipments and instruments like cameras, infrared sensors, telescope etc
India has built and launched many satellites. The first Indian artificial satellite was ARYABHATTA, which India launched in 1975. Some other Indian satellites are BHASKARA, INSAT (Indian national satellite), IRS (Indian Remote Sensing Satellite), ROHINI, KALPANA-1 and EDUSAT (Education Satellite).
The agency responsible for the development of space science programs in our country is INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION (ISRO)
- Artificial satellites usually collect information about other planets, stars, galaxies etc with the help of artificial satellite.
- These kinds of satellites we use for communication purpose such as long distance transmission of television programmes, telephone calls and internet.
- These satellites we use for surveying the natural resources of the Earth like minerals, potential fishing zone, agricultural crops etc.
- These we use for weather foreasting such as rainfall, snowfall etc and also for giving advance warning of cyclones and floods.
Qs1 Do stars emit light only during night?
Ans1 No, stars emit light all the time. But, we can not observe the stars during daytime due to the presence of bright light of sun.
Qs2 Give the name of the planet which has the largest number of natural satellite solar system drawing.
Ans2 The planet which is has a largest number of satellite is JUPITER
QS3 Mention the name of planets which human discovered only after the invention of telescope.
Ans3 The planets which human discovered after invention of telescope are Uranus and Neptune.
Qs4 The tail of a comet always point away from the sun, explain why?
Ans4 As, the tail of a comet is due to light radiations from the sun, thus it always point away from it.
Qs5 State which planet of the solar system is largest and smallest in size ?
Ans5 The largest planet is Jupiter and the smallest planet is Mercury in the solar system drawing.
Qs6 Give a reason, why we can see the stars only at night?
Ans 6 Stars are present both during day time as well as during night time in the solar system. Because of the bright light of the Sun, the stars are not visible during day time in solar system drawing.
Qs7 Mention about the shifting of the sun towards the south and towards the north .
Ans7 When sun is shifting towards the south, then it is called dakshinayan and when the sun shifts towards the south, it is called uttarayan. So, the sun shifts towards the south from 21st june and it starts shifting towards north from 22nd December.
Qs8 As the sun is also a star, then why does it appear so large as compared to the other stars in solar system ?
Ans8 The stars are millions of times farther away than the sun, so, the stars appear to us like points and the sun is like a large sphere.
Qs9 Explain the reason in brief for not existence of life on the mercury planet in the solar system drawing .
Ans9 As we know that the only planet mercury is the nearest to the sun . Due to which temperature on it is very high. So, the existence of life on it is impossible. Besides this, this planet has no sign of water on its surface and the gases like carbon dioxide, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen do not exist in its atmosphere in the solar system.
Qs10 The stars appear to move from east to west , explain why with the help of a reason in the solar system?
Ans10 As we know that the earth rotates from west to east direction due to which the stars appear to move from east to west direction as seen from the earth.