The food we consume contains highly complex substances like proteins, carbohydrates and fats. These substances must be broken down into simpler soluble nutrient forms which terms as human digest. These substances can be easily absorbed by blood and transported to various parts of our body.


  1. Write the types of simple sugar.

Ans.  Glucose, Fructose, Sucrose, and Lactose.
  1. Write the example of complex sugar.

Ans. Starch is an example of complex sugar.

3. Which food contains lactose?

Ans. Milk contains lactose.

  1. What is the simplest form of protein?

Ans. Amino acid.

  1. Which Vitamin is not present  in milk?

Ans. Vitamin C.

  1. What is the cause of Scurvy?

Ans. Deficiency of vitamin C causes scurvy.

  1. What is the deficiency disease of calcium?

Ans. Rickets is the deficiency disease of calcium.

  1. Give examples of roughage.

Ans. Isabgul and green vegetables.


  1. _______ contains sucrose.

Ans. Sugarcane.

  1. _______   is the together form from Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen

Ans. Carbohydrate.

  1. _____ and ______ makes Fats.

Ans. Fatty acid and Glycerol.

  1. Unpolished rice is source of ______ and _____. 

Ans. Iron and Vitamin B complex.

  1.  ——- is available in lemon, orange, Tomato and Amla.

Ans. Vitamin C.

  1. Lack of Iron causes _______.

Ans. Anemia.

  1. Deficiency of ______ causes goitre.

Ans. Iodine.


1) Write the examples of protein.

Ans.  We can obtain protein from animal and plant.  We get plant protein from pulses, pea, gram rajma ,soyabean . Fish, meat, egg are  animals protein.

2) In human digest how much vitamin we need in our body?

Ans.For functioning of body vitamins are very much important , but our body requires it  in very small quantities.

3) Define deficiency disease?

Ans. Absence of vitamins and minerals causing the diseases  called deficiency disease which is non-communicable disease. e.g. Scurvy, Ricket etc.

4) What are the source of vitamin ‘B’ Complex.

Ans. Unpolished rice, germinating seeds, milk, egg, meat and Yeast are sources of vitamin ‘B’ Complex.

5) Why vitamin D is called “Sunshine” vitamin.

Ans: Our skin can synthesize Vitamin D  with the help of sunlight. It is only one vitamin which our body can synthesize. Hence we term vitamin D as Sunshine vitamin.

6) What is Xerophthalmia? How is it prevented ON HUMAN DIGEST?

Ans. Xerophthalmia is a disease where patients cannot see at night.  It also terms as night blindness. This disease can be avoided by vitamin A-rich food.

7) Why is roughage important? Give an example of some roughage.

Ans.  We cannot digest roughage  in our stomach; it helps to remove constipitation. Regular roughage intake helps to clear our bowel. Some examples of roughage are Isabgul, Green leafy vegetables.

8) What are the source of Iodine?

Ans. We obtain Iodine  mainly from salt fortified with iodine. Beside it,  we get it  in seafood, sea plankton, vegetables like beat and turnip.

9) Classify nutrients ON HUMAN DIGEST.

Ans. Nutrients are grouped into five major group:

        a)Minerals: b)vitamins: c) Fats; d) Proteins; e) carbohydrates

10) Why do we need nutrient?

Ans. The body needs nutrients to perform   various metabolic functions like digestion, respiration etc. These nutrients can be found  in various food.

11) What is the function of Carbohydrates?

Ans. Carbohydrates provide instant energy directly in the time of intake.

12) Which stem is rich in starch?

Ans. Various cereal grains like rice, maize, wheat are rich in starch but out of the stems potato is an underground stem containing starch.

13) What is an organ system?

Ans. The Group of organs working together  we term as an organ system. e.g. Nervous system, Digestive system, Respiratory system.

14) Write some examples of fat.

Ans. Fats are found in oil, milk, butter, ghee, nuts and red meat.

15) How does fat help in insulation ON HUMAN DIGEST.

Ans. Fat forms an insulating  layer under skin to prevent heat acting as insulator.  In this way fat layer  protects body from cold.

16) Which food is known as energy-giving food?

Ans. Carbohydrate and fat both  term  as energy-giving food like (carbohydrate) rice, sugar, potato, honey, and (fat) oil, ghee, butter etc.

17) What is the reason of protein termed as body-building food?

Ans. Proteins takes part in  building  and repairing muscles and blood. Some parts of our body like hair and nails are made completely  of protein. That is why protein  terms as body building food.

18) state the reason for calling vitamins and minerals as protective food?

Ans. Vitamins and minerals together protect us from various non-communicable disease and help to keep our body healthy that is why these are called protective food.

19)What is mastication?

Ans.  The mouth first breaks down mechanically ingested food  when we chew it with our teeth. This process is called mastication. It terms as physical digestion.

20)What is Peristalsis?

Ans.  Peristalsis is a series of contraction down the wall of esophagus through which it pushes the  food down from month to stomach.


1) How water is useful to us?

Ans. Water is essential for our survival.  Water helps to perform all biochemical reactions in our body. Food needs water to be digested . A large part of blood is water. Water also helps in releasing  sweat and urine ; in this way water helps in regulation of body temperature.

2)What is the function of gastric juice?

Ans.  The gastric juice contains

1)Hydrochloric acid: It kills bacteria.

2)Enzyme gastric lipase: It breaks fat in human digest.

3)Enzyme pepsin: It breaks down protein into peptides.

3)How the food is absorbed?

Ans.  Jejunum and ileum of small intestine absorbs the simplest  molecules of digested food  in the body. The villi lining the inner surface of  jejunum & ilium facilitating absorption by providing a larger surface area. Digested food molecules enter the blood stream through the walls of the capillaries that supply blood to the villi. The blood carries them to the cells, where they are utilized.

4)Write few steps to maintain good health.

Ans. Steps to maintain good health are:

  1. We should eat at fixed hours.
  2. We should chew the food properly.
  3. Should wash our hand by hand wash before taking food.
  4. We should drink 3 liters to 5 liters water daily.
  5. We should go to bed early.

5)Describe the structure of small intestine ON HUMAN DIGEST.

Ans.  Small intestine is a long coiled tube measuring about 6 m. in an adult. Duodenum; Jejunum & ileum  are three distinct regions of small intestine. The inner surface of the small intestine has millions of folds or projections, shaped like finger called villi, help in absorption of food providing larger surface area.

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